Friday, January 6, 2012

Follow Friday - January 6th

This is my first time participating in the Follow Friday Blog Hop hosted by Parajunkee & Alison Can Read.

Question this week: Go count the number of unread books on your shelf. How many?

I'd be lying if I said this question didn't make me a little nervous because at times I feel like unread books are taking over my home.

My total: 291 

Not bad or am I guilty of book gluttony (feel free to lie to make me feel better)? I actually expected the total to be much higher. That total includes a borrowed book and some MG novels I picked up for my son, but wouldn't mind reading. & honestly you can never have too many books or at least that is what I keep telling myself :) 


While you're here check out the giveaway I'm hosting for a copy of Dragon's Keep and Dragonswood by Janet Lee Carey. 


  1. New follower! Wow, 291! That's incredible. I really like your banner and background, by the way. Looking forward to your reviews!

  2. Haha, 'you can never have too many books' so true! ;)

    - New follower

  3. Heck almost 300 thats crazy! ;D Rest of your year is settle up! :)

    New Follower! Come see my Friday as well! FF & TGIF Numbers & Goals Edition!

  4. Sheesh, that's a lot of books. :)
    New follower.
    Here's our #FF post

    Maja @ The Nocturnal Library

  5. I daren't count mine! I have a lot of unread books around the house. It's nice to know I am not alone. Last week I finally got around to reading one that had been shuffled from four houses over ten years, and finally read it. Then of course I kicked myself because it was a great read and I'd wished I'd read it sooner. The problem is that I also have relatives that send me cool reads so I'm always plowing through a pile. Good luch with your catch up :). Hag s, Sally xxx

  6. Lol. You are totally right. There's no such things as too much books. That's what I keep telling myself too. :) Already a follower, but happy friday!

  7. Quite a few books but I'm sure you can get them read! Some day! :P

    My FF post

  8. That's right! You can never have too many books! :)

  9. You included borrowed books? You're good. I went with the literal interpretation and only gave them the number on my shelf. I didn't count anything else, not even eBooks haha!

    The Musings of ALMYBNENR

  10. Hopping through. I agree that you can never have enough books. I hope to buy a lot more some day soon.
    My Hop

  11. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm somewhat close to your number too, but like you I also think we can't ever have enough books! Happy reading!
