Monday, April 2, 2018

Mailbox Monday - April 2nd

Hosted by Mailbox Monday

Happy (belated) Easter! I added mostly children's books to our shelves this week, but that might make me even happier than collecting more books for me :)

Kindle Books


Royally Matched by Emma Chase

Almost Jamie by Gina Robinson

Stone Cold Magic by Jayne Faith


Better Read Than Dead by Victoria Laurie

Finished this one yesterday! This is book #2 in the Abby Cooper Psychic Eye series and I'm hooked

Year One by Nora Roberts

For Review

Licks by Kelly Siskind

Truck Full of Ducks by Ross Burach

Barnes & Noble 

My daughters and I spent Saturday afternoon at B&N browsing shelves and letting my new 11 year old use her b-day treat coupon at their cafe. They chose a book and I grabbed a few for my younger kiddos who were at home with their daddy. Also added multiple games and books to my mental wish list.

Jacky Ha-Ha My Life Is A Joke by James Patterson

Dinosaur Dance! by Sandra Boynton

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline


Any other adults with a Boynton obsession :) I'm super excited about this release especially since we see these little guys often here in Texas.

What was in your mailbox!?


  1. So many tempting books! Thanks for sharing...and enjoy. And thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. Those children's books look delightful.

  3. Hi Christie,

    I really love the advances made in the quality of childrens books over the past few years. The illustrators are so talented and the storytelling so much more relevant and often with important social messages for the younger readers in our lives.

    I really don't enjoy being read to, so audio books never really feature on my horizon. I do read the very occasional Nora Roberts book though, so I was intrigued enough to check out 'Year One'. This series sounds as though it is going to be something completely different for Nora and the ratings and reviews are amazing. I don't think it is probably one for me however!

    Thanks for sharing your lovely haul this week and I hope that you enjoyed your Easter weekend :)



  4. Great book haul. The Laurie title looks interesting. I hope you like Year One.
    The children's titles look like fun. Have a good week; Happy Reading!

  5. ENJOY your books and reading week.

    Nice mailbox.

  6. So many pretty reads. Chase's book was such a good deal. Happy reading!

  7. Year One sounds like it could be interesting. Enjoy your new books! :)

  8. Truck Full of Ducks looks cute. I think Nora Roberts is the one that owns a bookstore near me.
