Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Accidentally...Cimil? Launch Day Blitz & Giveaway - Q&A with Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

Are any of your characters based on people you really know?  

Me. Me. Annnnnd me!  Hahaha.  Seriously, I think every writer bases their characters on people they know. But my characters are more of an amalgamation of many people plus lots of my own alternate personalities. Kind of scary when I think about it!

Do you have any strange writing rituals?  

1. Post-its are essential to my writing life. I must have a giant stack on my desk at all times.
2. I write my 1st draft of every story like a snow plow. I go and go and go, pushing forward until I get to the end. The story is almost a skeleton. Then I add and add. I think of it as baking a cake, adding in layers until it’s…cake!

What is your favorite movie?
Mine has to be North and South, the BBC miniseries. (Okay, not exactly a movie, but good enough.)  I always want to cry at the end. Damned those Brits, always making me cry!

Favorite flavor of ice cream? 

Cherry Garcia.

If you could meet anyone, alive or dead, who would it be and why?  

At risk of sounding like a complete narcissist, I would like to meet myself—the version who’s passed away. (Hey…if Cimil gets to meet dead people from the future, why can’t I?) I’d like to know which major screw-ups I should avoid, and which ones really worked out for the best (i.e. made me a better person).
Aside from that, I might like to meet a real gladiator from ancient Rome. What is it like to go to work every day, knowing you might get eaten by a lion? I think it would shift the paradigm on my own woes. My biggest challenge is getting a bad review or hate mail.


 Meet Cimil. Yeah, she's the Goddess of the Underworld, harbinger of all things evil and deadly, yadda, yadda . . . but she's also crazy fun! While minding her own business in Giza, Egypt, around 3000 BC (give or take a few centuries), she spots the hottest mortal her immortal eyes have ever seen. And he's not just any guy-he's the strong, powerful pharaoh who's fallen madly in love with her. But when he kills her pet unicorn, Cimil vows revenge, even if takes thousands of years to get even.

When Roberto meets Cimil, the king knows she's his soul mate. It isn't just her beautiful eyes or gorgeous body, but the godly power he feels simmering just beneath her fun-loving surface. They were the perfect couple . . . until the dead unicorn thing. Now after four thousand years, Roberto crosses paths with Cimil again, and his love for her is stronger than ever. But can he prove that he can once again be trusted with her heart? 

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About the author:

Mimi Jean Pamfiloff is The New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of Paranormal Romance. Before taking up a permanent residence in the San Francisco Bay Area, Mimi spent time living near NYC (became a shopaholic), in Mexico City (developed a taste for very spicy food), and Arizona (now hates jumping chollas, but pines for sherbet sunsets). Her love of pre-Hispanic culture, big cities, and romance inspires her to write when she's not busy with kids, hubby, work, and life...or getting sucked into a juicy novel.

She hopes that someday, leather pants for men will make a big comeback and that her writing might make you laugh when you need it most.


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