Thursday, May 17, 2012

Author Guest Post - Carl Alves - Two For Eternity Blog Tour

Please welcome Carl Alves to the blog! 


Outlining is something that certain writers tend to be passionate about, both pro and con.  I’m of the opinion that there is no right or wrong answer as to whether or not a writer should outline before they write.  It’s all about the way your mind works.  Highly organized individuals will probably want to extensively outline.  More free-flowing thinkers will probably not outline.

I never outline other than perhaps a two or three sentence high level overview.  Instead what I do is constantly work out the story in my head.  Usually I'm looking at the next two or three chapters, figuring out the plot details, the dialogue, action scenes.  I try to play out the scenes in my head as if I were watching a movie, which probably lends to the visual style I use in my writing.  I also look at what will happen in the story long term.  I usually start off with two or three characters and then create additional ones as I move along.   For me this allows the story to evolve.  There are many times where the plot turns in a way that I had not expected when I first started writing, or a minor character gets a larger role as the story progresses.  Sometimes I will even spare a character that I had planned on killing off or conversely kill a character unexpectedly.  It allows me the flexibility to give the story some life of its own.

By the time I sit in front of my laptop, the writing tends to flow easily because I know what I want to write, what style I want to use, and even what the characters are going to say.  This may be a method that wouldn't work for other writers.  I couldn’t imagine how my stories would turn out like if I outlined, but I need to let the story develop and guide me to where it ultimately needs to go. 

Thanks for stopping by and sharing this info with all of us!

Carl's novel, Two For Eternity, is available now!

Carl Alves on the web:

Add Two For Eternity on Goodreads!


  1. Very good suggestion, I will do like what you said. thank you.
