Tuesday, August 10, 2010

ARC Review: Stork by Wendy Delsol

Title: Stork 
Author: Wendy Delsol
Release Date: 10/12/2010
Publisher: Candlewick
Reading Level: Young Adult

4.5 out of 5 Stars

Description from Goodreads:

Sixteen-year-old Katla has just moved from Los Angeles to the sticks of Minnesota. As if it weren’t enough that her trendy fashion sense draws stares, she learns to her horror that she’s a member of an ancient order of women who decide to whom certain babies will be born. Add to that Wade, the arrogant football star whom Katla regrettably fooled around with, and Jack, a gorgeous farm boy who initially seems to hate her. Soon Katla is having freaky dreams about a crying infant and learns that, as children, she and Jack shared a near-fatal, possibly mystical experience. Can Katla survive this major life makeover and find a dress for the homecoming dance?

My thoughts:

Katla has been forced to relocate from sunny California to frigid Minnesota after her parent’s divorce. The adjustment to the rural setting and freezing temperatures is proving to be difficult. Blown off by Wade, the guy she made out with after a serious lapse in judgement, Katla finds herself on the bad side of both him and his catty on again off again girlfriend. She has also managed to become the focus of farm boy Jack’s irritation after a heated conversation involving what Katla thinks must be a case of mistaken identity. Even though she claims to dislike him, he is occupying her thoughts almost constantly. On top of all that she is also the newest member, much to her dismay, of a secret society of women who help choose mom’s for the spirits of unborn babies. She is now responsible for this enormous task while trying to fit in with the locals. All this stress and not a Starbucks in sight! 

I was thrilled to pick up another 2010 debut novel, and be blown away yet again. I absolutely loved this book. I was desperately in need of something unique, and Stork fit the bill perfectly. Katla was a fabulous protagonist. I loved her sarcasm whether it be via her inner voice, or dialogue between her and other characters. I adored the quirky residents, and small town setting. The legends and folklore weaved into the plot were fascinating. The country boy meets city girl romance was delightful. Jack is too sweet, and I loved how he helped Katla find balance between her California persona, and her new Midwest life. The eccentric group of old ladies that made up the Icelandic Stork Society, Local 414 in their wild and crazy hats were so much fun. Stork is an amazingly good combination of fantasy and romance. Sequel pretty please!

Wendy Delsol on the web:


  1. I heard some really great things about this one from Tara at 25 Hour Books. Since you enjoyed it so much as well, I'll definitely have to give it a shot now. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  2. Oh, yes this definitely sounds unique. A welcome relief from vampires, shapeshifters, etc. Added this to my wish list. Thanks for sharing.

  3. As Natalie mentioned, I really loved this book :) I cannot wait for the sequel!

  4. Wow!! Sounds sooo good!!! I can't wait to read it!! Great review :)

  5. I'm so green right now. I need this book. Awesome review :)

  6. I love your review! It actually really helped because I had just been followed by the author on Twitter and had no idea what the book was about, but love the cover! Now I definitely want to read it! It just sounds so unique. Thank you!

  7. Another great book to add to the al growing list. Thanks for the great review. Glad to hear that you liked it and that the characters are great. :)

  8. Thanks everyone! I loved this book and hope you’ll all check it out. The author has a great “voice”.
