Friday, April 5, 2013

Long time, no blog......

So, I'm the world's worst blogger. Officially. My last post was in August?!?! I have missed blogging and the entire book blog community, but unfortunately life sometimes just gets in the way. By life I mean cute new babies (see pic below) and my three amazing, but time consuming, big kids. So between a nightmarish pregnancy (9 months of morning sickness. Serious torture!), homeschooling, newborns, sleep deprivation, and planning for our long awaited move (to Texas y'all!!) life is C.R.A.Z.Y. I haven't read a book that wasn't filled with colorful illustrations in months, but today I discovered nursing my squishy little guy is the perfect time to pick up a book. I'm hesitant to say I'm back, but I want to be. I need to be. I need to immerse myself in something that didn't grow in my uterus. I love my kids, don't get me wrong, but it is so easy to lose yourself when you're a mother. & well I need something to keep my post-partum brain from turning to mush.

I lost my domain so I'm hoping switching back to my blogspot address works. If you made it through this rambling stream of thoughts, I thank you.

Mr. Squish who kept me nauseous and suffering from vertigo for the better part of a year.

Worth every single dry heave ;)